Healthy fascia heightens your body's ability to repair and heal itself, which can create remarkable, lasting changes to your postural alignment and ease of movement.
By dedicating as little as 10 minutes, 3 times per week, you will feel less stiff, less aches and pains. You will enjoy moving more and naturally have more energy because you feel better in your body.
What is Fascia? Why should we take care of it?
Fascia is a tough connective tissue found throughout the body. It is a three-dimensional fluid-based matrix, primarily made up of collagen which encompasses your entire body from head to toe and skin to bone. Injury, postural compensations, or inflammation can create a binding down of fascia resulting in excessive pressure on nerves, muscles, blood vessels, osseous tissue (bone tissue) and organs. Many standard tests such as x-rays, electromyography, CAT scans and myelograms will not show these fascial adhesions. This why the fascial problems causing you pain or lack of motion may go undiagnosed.
Rehydrating the connective tissue allows the body to release long-held tension, postural and muscular compensations, as well as the stress that leads to chronic pain. The techniques are easy to learn, gentle and offer results you will see and feel the first time you try it. Changes in alignment, flexibility, energy, mood, and performance occur within only a few sessions. Best of all, fascia quickly rehydrates and your body feels great long afterward.
Alignment & posture
The results of exercise
Joint mobility
Sleep & digestion
Overall well-being
Aches & pains
Tension & stress
The risk of injury
Fascia Movement Therapy
This therapy slows down the aging process and helps you to live pain free. If you want to stay active, mobile, and independent, this therapy is for you. Even active younger adults and athletes find that they are able to achieve optimal performance without debilitating wear and tear.
How do I get started?
These techniques are simple and easy to learn. You can start today by checking out our current classes, workshops or booking a private session. Contact Caroline to discuss what would be best for you.